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Bringing you the best in news. Breaking headlines, local, national and global news covering politics, policy, events, unrest and more from the worlds top media outlets
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Microsoft News works in partnership with hundreds of publishers in dozens of countries globally. Select from editions in more 20 countries, carrying content from 3,000 top brands. Microsoft News makes it easy to for you to keep informed, to intuitively move from story to story, and from section to section.
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Microsoft works with researchers to detect and protect against new RDP exploits November 8, 2019 Less stress, less time: How a Brazilian startup is using Azure AI to make car repairs easier
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Bringing you the best in news. Breaking headlines, local, national and global news covering politics, policy, events, unrest and more from the worlds top media outlets
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Společnost Microsoft je největší softwarovou firmou na světě, která má dominantní postavení na trhu s operačními systémy a kancelářskými aplikacemi. V roce 1975 ji pod původním názvem Micro-soft společně založili Paul Allen a Bill Gates, který byl v roce 2009 podle časopisu Forbes nejbohatším člověkem na planetě.
Microsoft announces Surface Pro 7 with long-awaited USB-C
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